Tuesday 27 November 2012

Sometimes, a girl just like to feel pretty!

My daughter and I had a great time last night.  I don't think I ever heard such shrieking in my life! There was also a great surprise as The Wanted came on before Carly Rae Jepsen and Justin Bieber.

So winter is slowly creeping in.  And with early morning frost creating a thin white layer on the roofs and grasses, srping seems so far away.  But that doesn't mean we can't still channel it.  I have always loved nautical inspired outfits and I have been craving this Kate Spade skirt for quite a while now.  So styling an outfit around it was easy.  This look can take you from the office to drinks out.  It is very classic, but mixing the pattern on the skirt and the polka dots on the sweater keeps it mordern and fresh!  So here's to spring...hey, it's only 112 days away, it's not that long!

Sometimes a girl just like to feel pretty!
Have a nice day!

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