Wednesday 28 November 2012

Color makes everything look better!

Colored denim seems to be here to stay at least for a little while longer, and I could not be happier.  I cannot get enough of it.  It makes regular outfits pop out in a way that blue jeans just can't.  It took me a while to jump on board, but I have been absolutetly sold on it since last spring.   While it may not be for everyone, I think that everyone should at least give it a try.

Color makes everything look better!

I also love dramatic looks.  Dressing up for a special occasion is an opportunity to escape the daily grind and reinvent yourself.   Clothes should be seen as an extension of your personnality and making a statement with them let's everybody know who you are.  They can also be a great outlet for your creative side.

Little Red Riding Hood
If you are afraid of color, start with a small pop in your jewelry or shoes.  You'll see how great it makes you feel.  Then, try graduating to a top and before you know it, you will be addicted!
Are you in on the colored denim trend ?  Do you like dramatic looks?  Are you afraid of color?  What outfit makes you feel prettyPlease share your thoughts!
Have a great day!

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