Wednesday 6 February 2013

Countdown to California - Tips for packing

My daughter Alexa on the beach in Carlsbad

With our California vacation getting closer, I am beginning to dream of wearing summer dresses and taking in some sun while watching the kids playing in the pool.  I am really looking forward to our time there.  We first went last year, and it was an instant love affair.  We stayed in both Carlsbad and Palm Springs and loved them equally.  We went whale watching in San Diego, watched people parasailing in La Jolla and crossed the Joshua Tree National Park, which was hands down our favorite activity!  I even preferred it to the Grand Canyon.  It was just amazing and my kids said that it was better than Disney (this coming from kids who are completely addicted to Mickey and his rides!) This year, we will be splitting our time between Huntington Beach and Palm Springs.  I am looking forward to going to the Santa Monica Pier, trying to squeeze in a day trip to Santa Barbara, taking the Aerial Tramway in Palm Springs and spending more time in the Joshua Tree National Park.  We will also be spending a day at Disneyland to visit the newly opened Cars' Land.

Mackenzie and Alexa on our way to Joshua Tree National Park

So the countdown has begun and I am already planning the clothes that I will bring with me!  I have never been known to travel light, and this year will probably be no different.  And since the weather can go from hot to downright cold from one day to the next, it makes it harder to do so.  So it is essential to make sure that you bring a variety of items that mix well.  A couple of weeks before my holiday, I try on different outfits (along with purse, jewelry and shoes).  I take quick pictures of the ones I like with my phone and file them away my "suitcase" folder.  Then I put away each item in a designated area of my closet.   I also make sure that all the laundry is done the week before going away.  This might sound silly, but there is nothing fun about deciding at the last minute you absolutely NEED to bring that sweater that has been at the bottom of the hamper for too many weeks - trust me, it's happened before!  It is also fun not to have too many loads to do after you've unpacked.   A few days before the trip I start packing my clothes and most of the shoes  and jewelry that I am bringing.  Then, the day before or the day of, depending on our departure time, I finalize everything. 

Do you have a winter escape coming up?  Are you a last minute packer or do you plan ahead like me?  Let me know, I would love to hear from you!

Have a great day!

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