Thursday 15 November 2012

Christmas time is here...well soon enough!

It's official, the Christmas party season is parties, family gatherings and reconnecting with some friends in town for the holidays takes a toll on our wardrobes. We seem to always gravitate towards the same pieces and soon enough they start loosing their appeal.

So how can we afford to buy many different outfits without going broke? Well it is simple: think before you buy! When purchasing any piece of clothing, you should think of its versatility. Can it be worn in more than one season? Can it be mixed up with more than one item in your closet? If so, then you will end up being able to wear that great summer dress with tights for the office party, and that sequin top you bought last Christmas, over a shirt for work. As you keep shopping with that mindset, you will end up with many outfits to choose from next time Christmas rolls around! You also need to think outside the box. That great fitted short dress can be worn as a top under an umbrella skirt and that nice cashmere sweater can be worn over that same dress to make it appear like a skirt. In these tough economic times, your wallet will thank you. Or, if you are like me, it will make justifying your shopaholic tendencies to your husband a little easier!

From summer dress to christmas outfit
Effortless chic
The new chic
Enjoy this coming holiday season!

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