Monday 26 November 2012

Channeling your inner rocker!

Hi everyone!  I hope you all had a good week-end. 
Today is a very special day in my daughter's life, she is going to her first pop concert.  Yes, my 7 1/2 year-old is going to guessed it, Justin Bieber.  I remember when I went to see New Kids on the Block back when I was 12.  I was so excited.  I screamed for 2 hours and I was sure that I was going to marry Joe McIntyre.  Well , I didn't marry him, but I still love going to concerts, although I am much less of a groupie now.  Music is a big part of my life.  I don't sing very well and don't play an instrument either, but I can't function without it.  When I am feeling down, nothing makes me feel better than blasting my favorite tunes and singing along.  So even if I don't really know all the lyrics to Justin Bieber's songs, you can be sure that I will be up dancing with my daughter.  What else can you do when you are at a concert.  It's part of the experience. 
Another thing that seems to be inherently linked to concert going is fashion.  For some reason, we seem to dress for the type of concert we are going to.  Just look at pictures from Coachella  every year...everybody seems to be channelling Woodstock.  For tonight's show, my daughter opted for electric blue skinny jeans, her Justin Bieber t-shirt and her hot pink studded high top sneakers.  I will be going for a more rock inspired outfit.  I have been obsessed with edgier looks recently and think this occasion is fitting.  It will either be and oversized tee with my leather skinny jeans or a print tank top and skinny jeans.  What do you wear to go to concerts
Sophisticated rocker
Have a great day!

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