Wednesday 25 April 2012

Follow the bright yellow trend!

Last week I saw this photo on Pinterest and fell in love with the color combination.  The mix of bright yellow with tan seems so rich, so classic, yet so trendy. 

Top simialr style here and here
jeans similar style here and here
trench similar style here and here
handbag similar here
shoes similar here

I also really love yellow and grey.  It is so simple and casual yet anything but boring.   I thought it would be fun to replicate this look.  (I love it so much that my living/dining room is grey and I have mustard colored drapes and can also add navy to the mix to give it more richness (both in your home decor and in your wardrobe!!!))  


Notice the chevron pattern on the sweater? You'll see a lot of it both in fashion and interior design this coming season...

Now here is my take on it :

What I am wearing:
Jeans F21 (March 2012) 12.50$
T-shirt Wal Mart (April 2012) 8$
Top Old Navy (April 2012) on sale 6.50$
Shoes Wal Mart (April 2012) on sale 9$
Purse Aldo (old) 50$
Bangles (all old) F21, souvenir store in Eveleth, MN and Banana Republic

Try changing the handbag to a bright blue or pink for some color blocking.

Handbag Primark 6$

Stacking bracelets is also all the rage this season and a fun way to add color and texture to your outfit!

Here is some more bright yellow inspiration:

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Source Shirley Morales via Pinterest

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Will you integrate bright yellow into your wardrobe this season?  If so, how will you do it?   Let me know at

Have a nice day!


  1. I haven't thought much of yellow (but them again I don't usually go for bold, strong colors) but now that I see the pictures you posted I have to agree that yellow and tan is really lovely (especially with dark jeans)! Thanks for introducing me to that possibility!
    On another note, where did you get that Primark bag? Great color and amazing price!
