Wednesday 20 February 2013

Snowed in!/ Beauty product review

Mackenzie at the school's Winter Carnival last Friday
(image courtesy of Rachel Garret)  
Hey everyone,
Sorry about the lack of posts recently, but ever since I got the flu at the end of January, I have not been able to get back to my "normal" level of energy. 
So for the past few winters, we can't say that we've had much snow, not that I am complaining!  But my kids have had enough!  They want to be able to go sliding on the hill and skating on the lake (which ends up being safe to skate on only a few weeks in the whole winter, because the weather goes from 5c to -25c from one week to the next).  So you can imagine that they were pretty thrilled when we woke up and our backyard looked like this this morning...
I might not be a fan of winter, but I cannot help but appreciate the beauty that a blanket of snow leaves in its track!   It also probably helps that we are only 6 days away from our California trip!  I am in packing mode and looking forward to trade my big Sorel boots for a pair of nice ballet flats.  My skin is also looking forward to getting a break from this crazy weather that has left it in a horrible state.  I have always had dry skin, but this winter is a record.  It is flaky and itchy (gross I know, but it's true!)  The products that I was using (and that were recommended by my dermatologist) were not doing me any good.  So last week I went to consult my local make-up and beauty product specialist at the pharmacy. They have a big section dedicated to all these beauty products that don't come in the sexiest packagings, but that actually work!)  Here are the products that she recommended I use (note that this is not a sponsored post) :

The Avene TriXera Selectiose is a soap-free cleansing gel that I use both on my body and face.  It feels quite rich when I lather it on, and only a small quantity is needed.  It is both fragrance and paraben-free.  It really works wonders.  My skin doesn't burn or feel dehydrated after I use it.  I had been using Spectro Gel for the last 8 years because my dermatologist said it was the best thing I could use, but my skin, especially in the face, always felt a little dry after using it.  It is safe for adults, kids and infants.
Then there is the A-Derma Exomega skin foam.  I use this as a body lotion.  After using it only once, my skin stopped itching.  I also used it on my daughter's tummy because she had a very dry patch and it took care of it right away.  What is great is that it doesn't leave a greasy feeling that kids don't like.  It just leaves your skin soft with a subtle sheen.  It is meant for both face and body, but it did not take care of the dryness in my face. 

What I have found works on my face, are these two little gems that I found in the beauty product section of my local Winners' store (same as TJ Maxx in the states).  They are the Derma Repair line of the Mineral from the Dead Sea brand.  Winners is great for beauty products because they cost so much less than in regular store.  These cost me a total of 17$ (compared to approximately 60$ on ebay or Amazon).  They are too rich for me to use during the warmer months, so I had put them aside last fall.  When the Exomega foam failed to cure my dry skin, I decided it was time to try them again.  I am so glad I did, because I was successful.  I use the Acneclear antioxidant lotion as a day cream and the hydroxyl acid + c rejuvenating p.m. treatment at night.
Next week, I will be testing the Avene moisturizing self-tanning lotion before we head to California!  I will let you know my thoughts on it.  Hopefully, it won't smell as bad as most others that I have tried.  Do you have any products that you swear by?  Share them with me, I am always looking to improve my skincare regimen!

Have a great day!


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