Tuesday 11 December 2012

Holiday Outfits

Yesterday I tried to figure out what I will wear for my holiday parties.  I like to know ahead of time in order to minimize the stress the on day of the event.  With 2 kids it is sometimes hard to take all the time in the world to get ready...although I've got to give credit to my husband who always lets me get ready while he takes care of the kids. 

So I have figured out my outfits for Christmas eve and Christmas day.  Since I am the one hosting the party on the 24th, I was able to opt for an outfit that required bare legs  (no commuting in below zero temperatures broadens ones options).  I went with a blue lace skirt similar to the one below.  I will pair it with a white sleeveless shirt and blue cap-toe heels.  I will dress it up with a statement necklace.  For the 25th, I chose blue skinny trousers with a mesh/sequin tank and black patent leather pumps.  It is simple and a bit edgier. 

Holiday Outfits

And as you can notice, these are all things I could wear again in the summer months. I have been applying that rule in the past few months and I can already tell that I will get more mileage out of my clothes.  What are you planning on wearing to your holiday events?  

Have a great day!

Monday 10 December 2012

Relaxed coffee run



Happy Monday everyone!
I hope you all had a great week-end.  Mine was wonderful.  I was able to have some relaxing time alone with my husband on Saturday afternoon and yesterday we took the kids to Wreck-it Ralph!  I was surprised to enjoy that much.  The kids love it too! 
My week also started wonderfully when I read one of my favorite blogs The Pink Peonies and found out that I was one of the winners in the Shoemint contest.  Thanks so much to Rachel for always bringing us great styles and contests every week.  The 5 winners were entitled to a pair of shoe of their choice from the site and I selected the Eileen pump in rose gold metallic:
It is quite slushy here today since it snowed last night and it has been raining since early this morning.  On days like this I always go for coffee runs to help brighten up my afternoon.  I am always a sucker for the Starbucks holiday cups and nothing beats a Caramel Machhiato on a day like this.  Because it becomes harder to dress up when the weather won't cooperate, my everyday look tends to be more relaxed style during these months.  Here is one of my favorite current looks...
                              Relaxed Coffee Run
Have a great day!

Friday 7 December 2012

2013 is Green!

Here Is the Official Color of 2013
2013 is Green!  The Pantone institute just released their official color  for 2013 and they chose Emerald.  But you can be sure that different shades will pop up everywhere.  It could already be seen in many of the shows at New York Fashion Week back in september.  And if you look at spring collections from more affordable apparel stores like the Gap, J.Crew and many mainstream home design stores, you will see that they are following suit.  I have been a fan of emerald for a while now because of its versatility.  You can pair it with blue, gold, silver, white, nude, black and so many other colors and it suits many skintones.  But how can you follow the trend even is the color doesn't pair suit your skintoneIntegrate it in certain jewelry pieces or accessories. 

2013 is Green!
Have a great week-end!

Thursday 6 December 2012

Stay warm without loosing your cool!

Hi everyone,
Sorry about the lack of posts this week, I am still under the weather and I am still having a few difficulties with my camera. I will try and get it fixed as soon as possible.
So with the snow all melted and the cold weather back after a few days of warmer temperatures, I was inspired to talk to you about in between season looks.  What I like wearing when it is just to cold to go barefoot in my flats or heels are rain boots.  And since they now come in a variety of styles, colors and inserts to keep your feet warm, the possibilities are endless.  Here are a few pictures to inspire you..
Stay warm without loosing your cool!
hunter boots are definitely on the top of my -let's buy this soon- LIST
And if the weather is kinder where you are, here are more pictures from a the blogger at Atlantic-Pacific whom I consider to be the queen of Hunter boots because she wears them with a variety a styles and always manages to look effortlessly sophisticated in them...
 Atlantic-Pacific Jumping Puddles

atlantic pacific hunter rain raniy red white blue coach

Have a great day!

Friday 30 November 2012

Stay stylishly warm this winter!

It is cold in Montreal this morning,  When I checked the temperature before I left for the school run, it was -20°C (that is -4°F for those who don't run on the metric system).  And when your winter is that cold, you have to dress warmly, no matter how much you love fashion.  This is what I hate the most about living here.  I think winter is beautiful and nothing beats a white christmas, but I always feel unstylish at this time of year.  I will accept being stylishly cold for a dressy night out, but when dropping off the kids at school or doing my daily activities, it is simply not an option.  So I shrug it off and try and be as stylishly toasty and warm as I can. 

Below are my three daily winter looks:

Stay warm this winter!
Here are more looks to inspire you...
Pinned Image
canada goose
And for the inner diva in you...
Have a great day!

Thursday 29 November 2012

A Nude Love Affair!

As much as I love bright and dramatic colors (see yesterday's post), I have a very important love affair with every shade of nude.  I am always attracted to them and if you were to look in my closet, you would see that half of it is filled with these muted beauties.  To say it is versatile is an understatement : it can be worn with every color in the rainbow and in every season and it will never go out of style.  And what I love most about it is that it is subtly sexy.  It is always my go to non-color...It is MY black. 

A Nude Love Affair

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All images courtesy of Pinterest

Have a great day!

A Nude Love Affair

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Color makes everything look better!

Colored denim seems to be here to stay at least for a little while longer, and I could not be happier.  I cannot get enough of it.  It makes regular outfits pop out in a way that blue jeans just can't.  It took me a while to jump on board, but I have been absolutetly sold on it since last spring.   While it may not be for everyone, I think that everyone should at least give it a try.

Color makes everything look better!

I also love dramatic looks.  Dressing up for a special occasion is an opportunity to escape the daily grind and reinvent yourself.   Clothes should be seen as an extension of your personnality and making a statement with them let's everybody know who you are.  They can also be a great outlet for your creative side.

Little Red Riding Hood
If you are afraid of color, start with a small pop in your jewelry or shoes.  You'll see how great it makes you feel.  Then, try graduating to a top and before you know it, you will be addicted!
Are you in on the colored denim trend ?  Do you like dramatic looks?  Are you afraid of color?  What outfit makes you feel prettyPlease share your thoughts!
Have a great day!

Tuesday 27 November 2012

Sometimes, a girl just like to feel pretty!

My daughter and I had a great time last night.  I don't think I ever heard such shrieking in my life! There was also a great surprise as The Wanted came on before Carly Rae Jepsen and Justin Bieber.

So winter is slowly creeping in.  And with early morning frost creating a thin white layer on the roofs and grasses, srping seems so far away.  But that doesn't mean we can't still channel it.  I have always loved nautical inspired outfits and I have been craving this Kate Spade skirt for quite a while now.  So styling an outfit around it was easy.  This look can take you from the office to drinks out.  It is very classic, but mixing the pattern on the skirt and the polka dots on the sweater keeps it mordern and fresh!  So here's to spring...hey, it's only 112 days away, it's not that long!

Sometimes a girl just like to feel pretty!
Have a nice day!

Monday 26 November 2012

Channeling your inner rocker!

Hi everyone!  I hope you all had a good week-end. 
Today is a very special day in my daughter's life, she is going to her first pop concert.  Yes, my 7 1/2 year-old is going to see...you guessed it, Justin Bieber.  I remember when I went to see New Kids on the Block back when I was 12.  I was so excited.  I screamed for 2 hours and I was sure that I was going to marry Joe McIntyre.  Well , I didn't marry him, but I still love going to concerts, although I am much less of a groupie now.  Music is a big part of my life.  I don't sing very well and don't play an instrument either, but I can't function without it.  When I am feeling down, nothing makes me feel better than blasting my favorite tunes and singing along.  So even if I don't really know all the lyrics to Justin Bieber's songs, you can be sure that I will be up dancing with my daughter.  What else can you do when you are at a concert.  It's part of the experience. 
Another thing that seems to be inherently linked to concert going is fashion.  For some reason, we seem to dress for the type of concert we are going to.  Just look at pictures from Coachella  every year...everybody seems to be channelling Woodstock.  For tonight's show, my daughter opted for electric blue skinny jeans, her Justin Bieber t-shirt and her hot pink studded high top sneakers.  I will be going for a more rock inspired outfit.  I have been obsessed with edgier looks recently and think this occasion is fitting.  It will either be and oversized tee with my leather skinny jeans or a print tank top and skinny jeans.  What do you wear to go to concerts
Sophisticated rocker
Have a great day!

Friday 23 November 2012

Football fever

One of my favorite things about fall is watching football while cozying up by the fire.  And with the Grey Cup held this week-end, many of us are planning viewing parties with friends (for all of you americans, the Grey Cup is the canadian Super Bowl).  Sadly, my team was eliminated last week, but that doesn't mean I won't be  watching on Sunday.  Here is one of my favorite casual outfits for laid back get-togethers:
Lazy day

Have a great week-end everyone!

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is here!  This is a great period to enjoy time with your family and to appreciate all your blessings.  It is also a period where we eat incredible amounts of food and don't move around that much.  So avoiding tight fitting clothes is a must in my book. 

Here is a Thanksgiving proof outfit:

Fall colors
Hope all of you american readers are having a wonderful Thanksgiving!