Thursday 6 December 2012

Stay warm without loosing your cool!

Hi everyone,
Sorry about the lack of posts this week, I am still under the weather and I am still having a few difficulties with my camera. I will try and get it fixed as soon as possible.
So with the snow all melted and the cold weather back after a few days of warmer temperatures, I was inspired to talk to you about in between season looks.  What I like wearing when it is just to cold to go barefoot in my flats or heels are rain boots.  And since they now come in a variety of styles, colors and inserts to keep your feet warm, the possibilities are endless.  Here are a few pictures to inspire you..
Stay warm without loosing your cool!
hunter boots are definitely on the top of my -let's buy this soon- LIST
And if the weather is kinder where you are, here are more pictures from a the blogger at Atlantic-Pacific whom I consider to be the queen of Hunter boots because she wears them with a variety a styles and always manages to look effortlessly sophisticated in them...
 Atlantic-Pacific Jumping Puddles

atlantic pacific hunter rain raniy red white blue coach

Have a great day!

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