Monday 30 April 2012

Romance and fashion



Romance is often what we think of when we see images like these...We think of dancing cheek to cheek, walking hand in hand, being carefree and in the moment.  Our everyday lives are a far cry from this.  We are all so busy running around trying to accomplish so many things in so little time, that we rarely stop to appreciate the beauty that surrounds us.  The sun coming through your bedroom window in the morning, birds chirping and the beautiful music that comes from the leaves swingning in the trees...these can all be small romantic moments if we just let them.  Another way to infuse a little romance in your life can be through your wardrobe.  Sometimes a little softness in the fabric, details and colors can go a long way in making you feel beautiful and feminine.   The outfit below is a perfect example of this.  The simple addition of a bow on a skirt makes the whole outfit more romantic .  The fact that it is paired with a cashmere sweater is pure softness and femininity.  And in keeping with this look, it shouldn't be overaccessorized either.


I got the skirt below at Simons on sale for 10$ last fall, but they still have them.


Have a nice romantic day!

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