Monday 23 April 2012

Rainy day flowers!

Hey everyone,

Hope you all had a nice week-end!  Mine was awesome.  My husband and I were able to getaway to New England, without the kids, for some much needed rest.  The weather wasn't so nice, but that was a good excuse to read by a fire. 

I just posted a set that I made on polyvore.  It is my new ''desired'' outfit.  I am really getting into these floral print skinny jeans (to my husband's great discouragement!).  I love skinny jeans with chunky knits.  It is so casual and comfortable and great for in-between weather that this time of year brings. As for the floral print jeans, I cannot seem to find some that are reasonnably priced in stores (I wouldn't pay more that 50$), so if you know where I can get my hands on some, kindly let me know.

In the mean time, here is some more floral print inspiration:

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And from my closet:

Store in Palm Springs (spring 2012) 10$

H&M (old) 35$

Have a nice day!


  1. Love, love, love the flowery print but am waiting for sunny days to feel more adventurous! Sadly, like your husband, I don`t love it on jeans... blouses, tunics and short skirts for me!

  2. Have I mention what I great job I think you`re doing!? I`m totally enjoying it!
