Friday 27 April 2012

Are you guilty of the 20/80?

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Does this ring true to you?  My sister and I have talked about this over the years and I am pretty sure that a lot of you have also.  Is there such a thing as good wardrobe management, where this fear wouldn't exist?  Where everyday was a good outfit day?   Well,  yesterday  I read a post on Bah Bah Blonde's blog titled the 20/80 quandary: i’m guilty.  It talks about how most people wear 20% of their clothes 80% of the time.  Erika Thomas, who writes this blog, said that she had read an article that tried to get people to go deeper into their closets and try to fall in love with old articles of clothing, or at least get rid of those you don't love.  The article also encouraged people to look at the 20%...what is in this category is what you should look for when out shopping: print, shape, color, etc. 

Since starting this blog, I have taken another look at what was already in my closet and found that there are pieces that I wasn't wearing, because I wasn't pairing them right.  I have also noticed that I wear more than the 20%.  Of course there are certain pieces that I will wear more, but I try and pair them differently so I don't feel like I am always wearing the same thing.   And when I go shopping, I also try and only purchase the items that I am head-over-heels with. Why buy something that is ok, when you can buy something that you love?   If you do this, I can guarantee you that you will have more good outfit days than bad outfit ones...and that means less insignificant days, right?

Have a nice week-end and don't hesitate to let me know how your 20/80 project goes!



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