Thursday 19 April 2012

Fashion is not a size, it's an attitude!

I have received a few comments recently, about this blog, that have stuck with me.  The person commented on the fact that it is hard to find fashion images of women with ''regular'' body sizes, and that sadly, this blog is no different.  And that although she appreciates the images on this site, she feels that the styles are not always meant for her body type.  I think that she is both right and wrong.  I agree that it is hard to find images of women who don't wear a size 0 or 2 and when I do find some, it is usually from boards such as fatgirlclothes which are so demeaning that I refuse to promote them.    Trust me, when sourcing images for this site, I try hard to avoid pictures of models and I try to include pictures of myself  as often as possible.  I have struggled all my life with ''thinspiration'' and  I recently lost a good amount of weight due to some health problems, and do appreciate that it is less frustrating when trying on clothes.  That being said, I think that the styles I bring to you can be adapted for any body type.  I think that we are sometimes afraid of wearing certain prints and colors because we don't want to attract attention to certain parts of our body...but I also think that wearing those same prints and colors, can do just the opposite.  I think we should feel empowered and sexy and beautiful everyday wether we are a size 2 or a size 16, and that we should put  more energy into enhancing our natural curves and less into trying to hide them.  Easier said than done, trust me, I know!  

Well, here is prood that you can keep up with the latest fashions at any size: (Sadly, the only women I could find were models from plus size clothing stores...real women, please don't be afraid to put yourself out there!

Source: unknown









 Have a great day!

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