Monday 30 April 2012

Romance and fashion



Romance is often what we think of when we see images like these...We think of dancing cheek to cheek, walking hand in hand, being carefree and in the moment.  Our everyday lives are a far cry from this.  We are all so busy running around trying to accomplish so many things in so little time, that we rarely stop to appreciate the beauty that surrounds us.  The sun coming through your bedroom window in the morning, birds chirping and the beautiful music that comes from the leaves swingning in the trees...these can all be small romantic moments if we just let them.  Another way to infuse a little romance in your life can be through your wardrobe.  Sometimes a little softness in the fabric, details and colors can go a long way in making you feel beautiful and feminine.   The outfit below is a perfect example of this.  The simple addition of a bow on a skirt makes the whole outfit more romantic .  The fact that it is paired with a cashmere sweater is pure softness and femininity.  And in keeping with this look, it shouldn't be overaccessorized either.


I got the skirt below at Simons on sale for 10$ last fall, but they still have them.


Have a nice romantic day!

Friday 27 April 2012

Are you guilty of the 20/80?

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Does this ring true to you?  My sister and I have talked about this over the years and I am pretty sure that a lot of you have also.  Is there such a thing as good wardrobe management, where this fear wouldn't exist?  Where everyday was a good outfit day?   Well,  yesterday  I read a post on Bah Bah Blonde's blog titled the 20/80 quandary: i’m guilty.  It talks about how most people wear 20% of their clothes 80% of the time.  Erika Thomas, who writes this blog, said that she had read an article that tried to get people to go deeper into their closets and try to fall in love with old articles of clothing, or at least get rid of those you don't love.  The article also encouraged people to look at the 20%...what is in this category is what you should look for when out shopping: print, shape, color, etc. 

Since starting this blog, I have taken another look at what was already in my closet and found that there are pieces that I wasn't wearing, because I wasn't pairing them right.  I have also noticed that I wear more than the 20%.  Of course there are certain pieces that I will wear more, but I try and pair them differently so I don't feel like I am always wearing the same thing.   And when I go shopping, I also try and only purchase the items that I am head-over-heels with. Why buy something that is ok, when you can buy something that you love?   If you do this, I can guarantee you that you will have more good outfit days than bad outfit ones...and that means less insignificant days, right?

Have a nice week-end and don't hesitate to let me know how your 20/80 project goes!



Wednesday 25 April 2012

Follow the bright yellow trend!

Last week I saw this photo on Pinterest and fell in love with the color combination.  The mix of bright yellow with tan seems so rich, so classic, yet so trendy. 

Top simialr style here and here
jeans similar style here and here
trench similar style here and here
handbag similar here
shoes similar here

I also really love yellow and grey.  It is so simple and casual yet anything but boring.   I thought it would be fun to replicate this look.  (I love it so much that my living/dining room is grey and I have mustard colored drapes and can also add navy to the mix to give it more richness (both in your home decor and in your wardrobe!!!))  


Notice the chevron pattern on the sweater? You'll see a lot of it both in fashion and interior design this coming season...

Now here is my take on it :

What I am wearing:
Jeans F21 (March 2012) 12.50$
T-shirt Wal Mart (April 2012) 8$
Top Old Navy (April 2012) on sale 6.50$
Shoes Wal Mart (April 2012) on sale 9$
Purse Aldo (old) 50$
Bangles (all old) F21, souvenir store in Eveleth, MN and Banana Republic

Try changing the handbag to a bright blue or pink for some color blocking.

Handbag Primark 6$

Stacking bracelets is also all the rage this season and a fun way to add color and texture to your outfit!

Here is some more bright yellow inspiration:

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Source Shirley Morales via Pinterest

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Will you integrate bright yellow into your wardrobe this season?  If so, how will you do it?   Let me know at

Have a nice day!

Monday 23 April 2012

Rainy day flowers!

Hey everyone,

Hope you all had a nice week-end!  Mine was awesome.  My husband and I were able to getaway to New England, without the kids, for some much needed rest.  The weather wasn't so nice, but that was a good excuse to read by a fire. 

I just posted a set that I made on polyvore.  It is my new ''desired'' outfit.  I am really getting into these floral print skinny jeans (to my husband's great discouragement!).  I love skinny jeans with chunky knits.  It is so casual and comfortable and great for in-between weather that this time of year brings. As for the floral print jeans, I cannot seem to find some that are reasonnably priced in stores (I wouldn't pay more that 50$), so if you know where I can get my hands on some, kindly let me know.

In the mean time, here is some more floral print inspiration:

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And from my closet:

Store in Palm Springs (spring 2012) 10$

H&M (old) 35$

Have a nice day!

Dear Rainy day!

Thursday 19 April 2012

Fashion is not a size, it's an attitude!

I have received a few comments recently, about this blog, that have stuck with me.  The person commented on the fact that it is hard to find fashion images of women with ''regular'' body sizes, and that sadly, this blog is no different.  And that although she appreciates the images on this site, she feels that the styles are not always meant for her body type.  I think that she is both right and wrong.  I agree that it is hard to find images of women who don't wear a size 0 or 2 and when I do find some, it is usually from boards such as fatgirlclothes which are so demeaning that I refuse to promote them.    Trust me, when sourcing images for this site, I try hard to avoid pictures of models and I try to include pictures of myself  as often as possible.  I have struggled all my life with ''thinspiration'' and  I recently lost a good amount of weight due to some health problems, and do appreciate that it is less frustrating when trying on clothes.  That being said, I think that the styles I bring to you can be adapted for any body type.  I think that we are sometimes afraid of wearing certain prints and colors because we don't want to attract attention to certain parts of our body...but I also think that wearing those same prints and colors, can do just the opposite.  I think we should feel empowered and sexy and beautiful everyday wether we are a size 2 or a size 16, and that we should put  more energy into enhancing our natural curves and less into trying to hide them.  Easier said than done, trust me, I know!  

Well, here is prood that you can keep up with the latest fashions at any size: (Sadly, the only women I could find were models from plus size clothing stores...real women, please don't be afraid to put yourself out there!

Source: unknown









 Have a great day!

Feel free to email your questions or comments to

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Color blocking at work!

What I would wear to work!

I realize that a lot of you work  and that most of my posts have been more about everyday casual wear.  So I decided that this post would be dedicated  to those who work in more formal environments.  This was fun for me, because I really miss dressing up for work.  Here is how I would incorporate trends into my work sping wardrobe. 

Classic revisited!
Classic revisited! by pennyforfashion featuring a suede jacket

I love red. I think it's classic, it's a color that suits most people, and it can be mixed with so many colors...You can mix it with white, black, navy and coral, as seen above. But you can also mix it with bright pink, orange or aqua for a trendier look.   I replaced the usual blazer with an edgier suede jacket and nude pumps for leopard print ones.  These subtle changes bring the outfit up a notch and give it a more polished, put together look.  

Again, don't hesitate to send me your questions about fashion at and I'll be happy to oblige.

Have a great day!

Monday 16 April 2012

What to wear to a dinner party!

The week-end is over, but at least the nice weather is lingering on.  So, how was your week-end?  What did you wear?  Were you fashionable?  Feel free to send me pictures of your most fashionable outfits...or your less fashionable ones, if you need help.  I'll be happy to give you some advice.   You can email me at

Saturday I had a dinner party and here is what I wore:

Top: 10$  I don't remember the name of the store,
but I got it on East Tahquitz Canyon Way
in Palm Springs in March of this year.  Everything
in the store was 10$.
Pants: G21, WalMart (April 2012) 22$
Shoes: Expressions, Sears (Spring 2010) 20$ on sale
Oversized clutch: Vintage (handed down from my
 husband's grandmother)

I was also wearing the Sorbet Sally Hansen polish on my nails.  If you plan on getting it or have already purchased it, know that it is a little thin and you will need 3 coats to make it look nicer.   I had applied mine last Friday and it held pretty well until this morning (there was only 1 minor chip), which is surprising considering that when I put on my other more expensive polishes, they usually will look nice for only 1-2 days.   

Here is more inspiration for dinner parties:




Enjoy the nice weather!

Friday 13 April 2012

Be fashionable this week-end!

So you've worked hard all week, the week-end is almost here and you are ecstatic.  But what do you wear when you are not at work?  You don't have to dress up, but does that mean you have to wear that same old sweatshirt and jeans? Oh please don't!  There are so many possibilities to explore!  I have been a stay-at-home mom for almost 8 years now, and have learned that you can be comfortable without looking drab, even when you are running after toddlers.  Below are some examples of laid back week-end looks:

Samantha Hutchinson via pinterest

Get the look for less:

Blazer F21 (similar style here): 33.80$
Knit sweater F21 (similar style here): 21.80$
T-Shirt WalMart (similar style here): 8$ (sold in stores only) I have a few and love them
Jeans: Any type of jeans will do.  If you want to recreate the look with boyfriend jeans and do not wear size 4 jeans or below,  it is sometimes hard to find some that fit well.  The look can be created by going through older jeans in your wardrobe that are a little baggier, pinching them and rolling them up.  If they are too long, try cutting a few inches to make it look better. 
Shoes F21 (similar style here): 27.80$  A ballet flat would also do.  Here are two pairs that I found recently at my local goodwill.  The leopard print was 1.50$ and were originally from Spring and the gold ones were 1$ and were originally from Urban Behavior.

Below are more pictures of casual week-end looks:

                                                                  via pinterest

I have one that is exactly like this.  I bought it at WalMart for 16$.   For a short 5,2'' frame like mine, it helps to pair it with a small wedge and a fitted top, as shown above.

Have a happy week-end!

Thursday 12 April 2012

H&M's Conscious Collection

If you are looking to go shopping in the next week or so, here is something that will make you smile: there is a 20% rebate on H&M's Conscious Collection until April 22nd. And with items starting at 6.95$, it's a smart way to be fashionable this season. To start saving, simply click on the following link, print the coupon and bring it into any H&M store in Canada...

Here are some of my favorite pieces from the collection: 



