Tuesday 15 January 2013

Pastels or darks?

Good morning!

The cold weather is back, but at least it's sunny and some grass is showing which makes it easier to pretend that spring is on its way.  Yesterday I was able to ditch my winter boots and wear some flats out...that made me so happy!  Hey, you've got to appreciate the small pleasures that you get when you live in this climate.

So last week I made a polyvore set with this Jonathan Saunders skirt and was happy to also see it styled differently by one of my favorite bloggers, Blair Eadie, over at Atlantic-Pacific.

Color Blocking Made Chic
I was in the mood for pastels when I styled it (so desperate for spring), but it looks just as great paired with darker winter colors.  Not sure which one is my favorite, but I know that I really crave that skirt.  And since its price tag would send my husband into cardiac arrest, I will have to try and find a more affordable version somewhere.  Do you like the skirt?  How would you style it?
Have a great day!

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