Thursday 24 January 2013

Small changes

Hi everyone,

Yesterday I had the joy of spending a little bit of time with my 1 month-old nephew.  He is so adorable!  I also uploaded  the pictures from my little afternoon project on Monday, which was to paint stripes on our powder room walls.  We moved here last year and remodeling it has not been a priority.  The sink would feel more at home in a loft with brick walls, than in our transitional style house.  I had been looking for something that would tie the room together and new I had found it when I stumbled upon some pictures of small baths with striped walls on Houzz  late last summer.  So since I was in the mood to do some major damage to our credit cards on Monday, I figured my need for some newness would be better spent on an afternoon project than on some new purse.  Here are the results:


On the week-end I also reorganized our small office nook in the kitchen.  We have another office upstairs, but we never use it, so it will soon be transformed into a craft room (I will make sure to upload the pictures once that is done).  Saturday we took our daughter out to lunch and to Indigo while our son was at a birthday party and I stumbled upon some great sales in their home/ décor space.  I purchased the numbered glasses for 9$ each set and the large votive holder for 7$.  The smaller votive holders were purchased at Ikea for 1$ each before Christmas.


When everything is so white and quite drab outside, I like to buy fresh cut flowers to add a little bit of sunshine to my day.  These small peach roses are perfect to subtly brighten up the office nook and at 17$ for a dozen (well each stalk has 3 flowers, so you technically get 36 roses) they are well worth the price.  And by changing the water every day and adding a bit of lemon juice to it, they will usually last close to 2 weeks. 

This small pewter vase was a gift from my in laws and fits perfectly next to the computer.

The A mug you see in this picture was also purchased at Indigo last week for 8$.
How do you beat the winter blues?  Do you have small projects that you have tackled that you would like to share with me? Be sure to let me know.
Have a great day!

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Green is good!

Just before Christmas I did a complete overhaul of my diet for health reasons (I would need a completely different blog to go into all the details!).  Anyways, so I started eating a plant-based diet, cutting out meat (easy for me), dairy (not as hard as I had expected), gluten, most sugar and anything processed.  I really expected it to be super hard and I think most expected me to fail.  Well, I am proud to say that it has been over a month and I am still going strong.  I have a lot more energy (one of the main reasons that I started this is that my health problems were causing me to suffer from constant colds and symptoms similar to chronic fatigue).  I don't think that I'll be running marathons in the near future, but I can actually participate in my kids' lives a lot more, I can now handle homework, supper and the evening routine without many hurdles and have not had any joint pain (another one of my major symptoms!).
In the process, I have discovered the famous Green smoothie.  It turns out, that it tastes so much better than it looks.  Here is my favorite recipe so far:

1 mango
1 banana
A handful of baby spinach and arugula
1/2 cup of fresh squeezed orange juice (or store bought pure orange juice)
1 tbs ground flaxseed
1 tbs hemp seeds

Serving size : 1

Add juice to blender.  Take a handful of spinach and arugula (of your favorite greens).  Mix together for 20 seconds or until the spinach is all shredded.  Add mango, banana, flaxseed and hemp seeds.  Blend on high (I choose the frappe setting) for 45 seconds.  Drink and enjoy!


A complete diet overhaul might not be in the cards for most people, but simple changes can make a world of a difference.  My husband was not so willing to participate at first, but he has changed most of his habits and has not looked back.  It has been harder for my kids, so we are taking baby steps, introducing more fruits and having them try 2 new things a week.  I find that hiding the good stuff works best for now (my tomatoe/ spinach/ tofu spaghetti sauce that went through the blender before it made it on their plate) and the fact that I replaced their whole wheat pasta with quinoa and amaranth pasta without them knowing. 

Let me know if you have some great smoothie recipes.  Are you willing to try it?  If you do, let me know if you like it!

Have a great day!


Monday 21 January 2013

Favorite things/ moments of January!

Hi everyone,

With winter in full force (feels like -17C / -9F with the wind chill), I have been feeling a little blue recently (did I ever mention that I hate winter!!!).  So I have decided to try and cheer myself up by reorganizing a few areas in my house (a favorite past-time of mine that drives my family insane - photos of the changes to come soon).
Also, since the weather has left me dry on fashion inspiration, I thought I would share a few of my favorite things/ moments that have happened in the last few weeks...

Peppadew Cauliflower Steak at Leunig's Bistro in Burlington VT

Mixed berries with flaxseed in vanilla almond milk


Finally nailing the sock bun thanks to Wendy 's Lookbook's tutorial on her you tube channel here


Sunday afternoon football snacks

And my favorite thing of the last few weeks was to be able to put away the Christmas decorations the first week of January this year!!!  It has sometimes taken me until February to get to courage to take everything of my least favorite things to do!

Happy Monday!


Tuesday 15 January 2013

Pastels or darks?

Good morning!

The cold weather is back, but at least it's sunny and some grass is showing which makes it easier to pretend that spring is on its way.  Yesterday I was able to ditch my winter boots and wear some flats out...that made me so happy!  Hey, you've got to appreciate the small pleasures that you get when you live in this climate.

So last week I made a polyvore set with this Jonathan Saunders skirt and was happy to also see it styled differently by one of my favorite bloggers, Blair Eadie, over at Atlantic-Pacific.

Color Blocking Made Chic
I was in the mood for pastels when I styled it (so desperate for spring), but it looks just as great paired with darker winter colors.  Not sure which one is my favorite, but I know that I really crave that skirt.  And since its price tag would send my husband into cardiac arrest, I will have to try and find a more affordable version somewhere.  Do you like the skirt?  How would you style it?
Have a great day!

Monday 14 January 2013

Feeling a Little Royal!


Happy Monday everyone!

I hope you all had a wonderful week-end.  Mine was great.  We were able to relax and spend some quality time as a family.  My husband was in London last week so I was feeling a little "Royal" when I made this set on Polyvore.  I think blue is by far my favorite neutral.  It pairs so well with bright colors without contrasting too starkly.  As some of you may know, my favorite pairings with blue are bright yellow and hot pink.  I think they are classic without feeling too fussy.  They are so much fun to play with and are never boring!

Feeling Royal
Wendy's Lookbook
Pink Peonies
What are your favorite pairings?  What looks make you feel vibrant?
Have a great day!

Thursday 10 January 2013

Let the sun shine in!

Sorry again for the lack of posts this daughter has pneumonia and is at home, so we have been curled up and watching movies all week. 

Here is a little yellow inspiration for you Thursday!

Let the sunshine in
Have a great day everyone!

Monday 7 January 2013

Color blocking made chic!

Hi everyone,

I hope you had lovely holidays and that you are able to start the new year in good spirits!  Sorry for the lack of posts in the last month.

We often see color blocking in casual outfits, but it is also a trend that you can incorporate into your dressier outfits or work related wear.  In this example, I decided to let the skirt shine, so I picked up on the soft rose and greige hues to make it a little more subdued.

Color Blocking Made Chic
Knife-pleat, color block, leather

Color Block Chiffon Skirt with Pleats

   Have a great day!